相信很多人都想知道产业百万富翁是用什么投资模式去投资产业并进而至富吧!在产业投资世界里,每个投资人都有自已一套的投资模式。但不是每个投资人都愿公开他们的产业秘诀。而在这里我们为你公开一个对于马来西亚来说还算新的产业投资模式,那就是出租与购买投资模式。很多人都会在想这模式有什么特别呢? 还不是把房子出租再卖掉, 然后再够买新的产业供出租,我想你也是这么想吧!
其实在这里所讲的出租/购买模式并不是如你所想的那样。 通常我们投资产业都会先想"怎样才能使我们所购买的房产价值最大化呢? 是出租呢, 还是应该出售? 根据这模式,即出租也出售。
出租与出售房屋都是赚钱的好方法。 但是, 这两者都是其不足之处。
如果投资者购买房产后,将房产统统出租这会面临的风险: 1)遇到不良承租人; 2)承租人不付租金或者将房屋搞得一团糟。 不仅如此,单纯地将房屋出租并不能使您的事业有多大发产, 因为租金收入远不如出售收入多。
另一方面, 投资买房后, 将房屋直接出售 (被称为"房产抛售") 可能会面临房屋在好几个月内都卖不出去的风险。这样就会增加储蓄成本 (抵押付款, 公用事业费等), 从而降底了所得利润, 会使您不得不为了脱手而减价出售。 此外, 出售所得 (并不像出租, 每月可得到租金) 不稳定,随着时间的推移, 反而不能从出售房产中获利。
出租/购买的方式是将出租和出售两者结合起来, 事实上, 不论是对出租还是出售, 都有改进。 这种方法可以使投资者不间断地得到现金 (每月),找到最佳承租人 (按时付租金, 并能精心维护您的房屋), 并且,最终可以以合适的市场价格出售(不折扣出售)。
其实在这里所讲的出租/购买模式并不是如你所想的那样。 通常我们投资产业都会先想"怎样才能使我们所购买的房产价值最大化呢? 是出租呢, 还是应该出售? 根据这模式,即出租也出售。
出租与出售房屋都是赚钱的好方法。 但是, 这两者都是其不足之处。
如果投资者购买房产后,将房产统统出租这会面临的风险: 1)遇到不良承租人; 2)承租人不付租金或者将房屋搞得一团糟。 不仅如此,单纯地将房屋出租并不能使您的事业有多大发产, 因为租金收入远不如出售收入多。
另一方面, 投资买房后, 将房屋直接出售 (被称为"房产抛售") 可能会面临房屋在好几个月内都卖不出去的风险。这样就会增加储蓄成本 (抵押付款, 公用事业费等), 从而降底了所得利润, 会使您不得不为了脱手而减价出售。 此外, 出售所得 (并不像出租, 每月可得到租金) 不稳定,随着时间的推移, 反而不能从出售房产中获利。
出租/购买的方式是将出租和出售两者结合起来, 事实上, 不论是对出租还是出售, 都有改进。 这种方法可以使投资者不间断地得到现金 (每月),找到最佳承租人 (按时付租金, 并能精心维护您的房屋), 并且,最终可以以合适的市场价格出售(不折扣出售)。
无论何时我们拥有一处房地产的时间超过规定时间, 我们都可以实现这处房地产的升值。 特别是, 我们的承租人/购买者 在签订出租/购买 合同时就同意以公允市场价值购买房屋。 但是,如果他们选择不去行使他们的买卖特权或者需要延长时间, 我们就可以利用这个机会将会售价抬高到一个新的公允市场价值,这就产生了增值。在经济稳定期,我们曾看到中等收入社区的房屋一年升值2%-5%。
无论何时我们拥有一处房地产的时间超过规定时间, 我们都可以实现这处房地产的升值。 特别是, 我们的承租人/购买者 在签订出租/购买 合同时就同意以公允市场价值购买房屋。 但是,如果他们选择不去行使他们的买卖特权或者需要延长时间, 我们就可以利用这个机会将会售价抬高到一个新的公允市场价值,这就产生了增值。在经济稳定期,我们曾看到中等收入社区的房屋一年升值2%-5%。
我们获得出租/购买买卖特权费,这样承租人有权以规定的价格 (现在的公允市场价值) 在规定的一段时间内 (通常是三年) 购买房地产。 当第一次签订出租/购买合同时, 就应支付买卖特权费。 通常支付的费用是房地产价值的1% (列如,价值10万美元的房地产, 支付的费用为1,000 美元)。在通常情况下,
承租人/购买者/购买房屋时将这笔买卖特权费作为预付定金。但是如果他们不购买房屋, 我们依然拥有这笔钱。
出租/购买计划的行使细节 出租/购买计划最初的目标就是构建一种双赢的出租/购买计划。 以下要点概括了基 本经营理念。
对于经营第一次出租/购买生意,我们要做诸多的决定。而最难的就是决定房屋的卖价。 对于第一次购买者, 我们将房屋的卖价锁定在目前的公允市场价值-不多也不少, 而且我们自始自终坚持这个原则。
在我们第一次进行出租/购买投资时,我们要做的另一重要决策就是买卖特权费的数额。 这项款项之所以叫作买卖特权费, 原因就在于, 这个买卖特权费从法律上给予承租人/购买者购买此房屋的特权, 也从法律上禁止房东在合同期间将此房屋买给他人。
就设定买卖特权费而言,我们倾向于定得底一点,所以我们对买卖特权费通过收取房屋价格的1%。通过这种方法,如果承租人/购买者不行使购买特权 (或没能力购买),他们也不会损失大笔存款的风险。 对于我们来说, 还括大了合适的可能客户范围, 因为我们从不拒绝手上没有足够现金的客户。 以我们的经验来判断, 承租人/购买者即时现金不足,也有可能仔细照看房屋。
承租人/购买者/购买房屋时将这笔买卖特权费作为预付定金。但是如果他们不购买房屋, 我们依然拥有这笔钱。
出租/购买计划的行使细节 出租/购买计划最初的目标就是构建一种双赢的出租/购买计划。 以下要点概括了基 本经营理念。
对于经营第一次出租/购买生意,我们要做诸多的决定。而最难的就是决定房屋的卖价。 对于第一次购买者, 我们将房屋的卖价锁定在目前的公允市场价值-不多也不少, 而且我们自始自终坚持这个原则。
在我们第一次进行出租/购买投资时,我们要做的另一重要决策就是买卖特权费的数额。 这项款项之所以叫作买卖特权费, 原因就在于, 这个买卖特权费从法律上给予承租人/购买者购买此房屋的特权, 也从法律上禁止房东在合同期间将此房屋买给他人。
就设定买卖特权费而言,我们倾向于定得底一点,所以我们对买卖特权费通过收取房屋价格的1%。通过这种方法,如果承租人/购买者不行使购买特权 (或没能力购买),他们也不会损失大笔存款的风险。 对于我们来说, 还括大了合适的可能客户范围, 因为我们从不拒绝手上没有足够现金的客户。 以我们的经验来判断, 承租人/购买者即时现金不足,也有可能仔细照看房屋。
我们通常会要求承租人支付与一个月等额的保证金。可是,如果承租人的银行信用极差或我们明显预见到了风险,根据实际情况,我们会要求承租人交付2-3个月的保证金。收取保证金的目的就是督促承租人好好维护房屋, 以免他们‘不辞而别’。我们的目标就是收取尽可能少的保证金,吸引更多的潜在客户,但是保证金的数量又要足以起到督促承租人对房屋好好维护的作用。
我们相信这里介绍的内容将会使出租/购买计划的各方受益,对各方来说都是公平的。 在此基础上, 您还可以跟据房屋不同而对这些内容做些调整。 但不要忘记, 最重要的是对交易两方都要公平。 这样做不仅是对的,而且还能激励我们的承租人/购买者精心维护房屋, 按时支付租金,并最终购买房屋。
我们通常会要求承租人支付与一个月等额的保证金。可是,如果承租人的银行信用极差或我们明显预见到了风险,根据实际情况,我们会要求承租人交付2-3个月的保证金。收取保证金的目的就是督促承租人好好维护房屋, 以免他们‘不辞而别’。我们的目标就是收取尽可能少的保证金,吸引更多的潜在客户,但是保证金的数量又要足以起到督促承租人对房屋好好维护的作用。
我们相信这里介绍的内容将会使出租/购买计划的各方受益,对各方来说都是公平的。 在此基础上, 您还可以跟据房屋不同而对这些内容做些调整。 但不要忘记, 最重要的是对交易两方都要公平。 这样做不仅是对的,而且还能激励我们的承租人/购买者精心维护房屋, 按时支付租金,并最终购买房屋。
I believe that many people would like to know what are the millionaire investment patterns and thus to be rich! In the world of property investment, every investor has its own set of investment patterns. However, not all investors are willing to share their property investment secrets. But here, we are sharing with you a property investment pattern that is fairly new in Malaysia. That is the rent- and-purchase, investment patterns. Many people would think that any particular of this investment pattern? Isn’t rent-out the house and then sold, then buy a new property for rental… (Cycle repeated), I would like to say that you also think in that way, right?!
In fact, what we stress here, the rental-purchase model is not what you think. When we intend to invest, we will think "how can we maximize the value of the property we purchase? To let, or sell it? According to this model, is rented-out while selling it.
Rental and sale of housing are a good way to make money. However, both of these have their shortcomings.
If investors rent out all properties he/she bought, they will face the risks: 1) encounter bad lessee; 2) the lessee does not pay the rental or cause the house in a complete mess. Other than that, simply rent-out the properties would not help much of your career development, because rental income is far not as much as income from selling the property.
In fact, what we stress here, the rental-purchase model is not what you think. When we intend to invest, we will think "how can we maximize the value of the property we purchase? To let, or sell it? According to this model, is rented-out while selling it.
Rental and sale of housing are a good way to make money. However, both of these have their shortcomings.
If investors rent out all properties he/she bought, they will face the risks: 1) encounter bad lessee; 2) the lessee does not pay the rental or cause the house in a complete mess. Other than that, simply rent-out the properties would not help much of your career development, because rental income is far not as much as income from selling the property.
On the other hand, purchasing the property and then directly sell it (to be known as the "real estate sales") may be face the risks such as the house/property could not be sell within several months. This will increase reserves cost (mortgage payments, enterprise expenses, etc.), thereby reducing the profits, and you have to make reductions in order to dispose of the property. Furthermore, gains of the sale of property (not like letting, receive monthly rentals) are unstable; instead, with the elapse of time, you may not obtain benefits from the sale of property.
Rental-purchase model is the combination of rental and sale. In fact, it improves both. This approach enables investors to gain benefit (cash) monthly, at the same time, the investors can find the best lessee (pay the rent on time and maintain your housing carefully), and finally sell at the suitable market price (not discounted sale).
Our long-term goal for each property is to sell at appropriate price and profit, short-term goal is to find a suitable tenant, so that capital can flow. If clients saw our lease / purchase advertisements and they want to buy the property immediately, we can sell at a fair and equitable market, so we will be able to achieve more profits, and recover funds. But if the housing cannot be selling within short term, we will continue to rent out the house, and offer the lessee with buying privileges, This is the rental / purchase model.
Rental / purchase model also makes the investors obtain substantial profits and rapid cash flow. Properties/houses managed by rental / purchase model usually sell better and faster than the properties/houses that simply waiting for sale because to buy these houses, the necessary funds and bank deposits usually will be considerably lower than market sale prices. Therefore, the rental / purchase model can bring about real estate transactions faster. Thus, the formation of reserves costs (mortgage payments, enterprise expenses, etc.) due to the housing waiting for sale will be reduced to a minimum. And finally we can sell at the appropriate market value.
Our concrete plan and unique rental / purchase model in buying property includes six profit sources will enable you to get significant gains, and quick cash flow cycle (risk also decentralized). Many investors simply obtain the profits from the housing rental or sale, where as we obtain the gains/profits from the cash flow.
Rental-purchase model is the combination of rental and sale. In fact, it improves both. This approach enables investors to gain benefit (cash) monthly, at the same time, the investors can find the best lessee (pay the rent on time and maintain your housing carefully), and finally sell at the suitable market price (not discounted sale).
Our long-term goal for each property is to sell at appropriate price and profit, short-term goal is to find a suitable tenant, so that capital can flow. If clients saw our lease / purchase advertisements and they want to buy the property immediately, we can sell at a fair and equitable market, so we will be able to achieve more profits, and recover funds. But if the housing cannot be selling within short term, we will continue to rent out the house, and offer the lessee with buying privileges, This is the rental / purchase model.
Rental / purchase model also makes the investors obtain substantial profits and rapid cash flow. Properties/houses managed by rental / purchase model usually sell better and faster than the properties/houses that simply waiting for sale because to buy these houses, the necessary funds and bank deposits usually will be considerably lower than market sale prices. Therefore, the rental / purchase model can bring about real estate transactions faster. Thus, the formation of reserves costs (mortgage payments, enterprise expenses, etc.) due to the housing waiting for sale will be reduced to a minimum. And finally we can sell at the appropriate market value.
Our concrete plan and unique rental / purchase model in buying property includes six profit sources will enable you to get significant gains, and quick cash flow cycle (risk also decentralized). Many investors simply obtain the profits from the housing rental or sale, where as we obtain the gains/profits from the cash flow.
Profit source 1
Buy the property/houses at the prices that are 10% - 20% lower than the market sale prices. Through this, when we buy the house, we already lock-up the profits.
Profit source 2
Our rental / purchase model can bring us the rental that is higher than our monthly mortgage payment. So every month each property has been created us a positive cash flow. The best monthly rental should be higher than the monthly mortgage payment about 25% - 50%.
Profit source 3
Due to our legitimate real estate ownership for our property, interest rates, taxes, insurance, maintenance fees are normally paid by the landlord's, these costs can offset the taxation. These taxation offset could help us to save a lot of costs annually.
Profit source 4
Whenever we have a real estate longer than the stipulated time, we sure can achieve this real estate appreciation. Especially, our lessee / purchaser agreed to purchase the real estate at the fair market value when they signed the lease / purchase contract. However, if they chose not to exercise their trading privileges or they need to extend the time, we can make use of this opportunity to raise the housing sale prices to a new public agreed market value, resulting in a rise-in-value. In this economic-stable period, we have seen the housing of middle-income community appreciate about 2%-5% annually.
Profit source 5
We obtain rental / purchase trading privileges fee, whereas the lessee is entitled to buy the real estate at the fixed price (fair market value at the moment) within the stipulated period of time (usually three years). When first lease / purchase contract has been signed, lessee should pay the fee trading privileges fee. Usually the cost/fee is about 1% of the property value (Example: the real estate worth about USD100, 000 the cost is USD1, 000). Under normal circumstances, when the lessee / purchaser purchase the housing, they will treat this trading privileges fee as down payment. However, if they do not purchase housing, we still have the money.
Buy the property/houses at the prices that are 10% - 20% lower than the market sale prices. Through this, when we buy the house, we already lock-up the profits.
Profit source 2
Our rental / purchase model can bring us the rental that is higher than our monthly mortgage payment. So every month each property has been created us a positive cash flow. The best monthly rental should be higher than the monthly mortgage payment about 25% - 50%.
Profit source 3
Due to our legitimate real estate ownership for our property, interest rates, taxes, insurance, maintenance fees are normally paid by the landlord's, these costs can offset the taxation. These taxation offset could help us to save a lot of costs annually.
Profit source 4
Whenever we have a real estate longer than the stipulated time, we sure can achieve this real estate appreciation. Especially, our lessee / purchaser agreed to purchase the real estate at the fair market value when they signed the lease / purchase contract. However, if they chose not to exercise their trading privileges or they need to extend the time, we can make use of this opportunity to raise the housing sale prices to a new public agreed market value, resulting in a rise-in-value. In this economic-stable period, we have seen the housing of middle-income community appreciate about 2%-5% annually.
Profit source 5
We obtain rental / purchase trading privileges fee, whereas the lessee is entitled to buy the real estate at the fixed price (fair market value at the moment) within the stipulated period of time (usually three years). When first lease / purchase contract has been signed, lessee should pay the fee trading privileges fee. Usually the cost/fee is about 1% of the property value (Example: the real estate worth about USD100, 000 the cost is USD1, 000). Under normal circumstances, when the lessee / purchaser purchase the housing, they will treat this trading privileges fee as down payment. However, if they do not purchase housing, we still have the money.
Lease / purchase plan - details of the exercise
The initial purpose of the lease/purchase program is to build a win-win lease/purchase program. The following points summarize the basic operating principles.
Stick to fair market value.
For someone who is first involves in this rental / purchase business, we have to make a lot of decisions. The most difficult part is deciding the selling price of the housing. For the first-time buyers, you can stick to the current fair market value. And we have to insist on the principle from the beginning to the end.
Trading privileges fee must be reasonable.
Another important decision in doing the lease/purchase investment is the amount of the trading privileges fee. This fee is called trading privileges fee is because this trading privileges fee is legally given to the lessee/buyer privileges of buying the housing, at the same time, the landlord is legally prohibited to sell this housing to others in the contract period.
In deciding trading privileges fees, we tend to set to a lower point, therefore, we collect about 1% of the housing value as trading privileges fee. Through this method, if the lessee / purchaser did not exercise their purchasing privileges (or have no the ability to purchase), they would not have the risk of losing significant deposits/bank savings. For us, it also increases the range of potential customers, because we have never rejected any customers that do not have enough cash on hands. According to our experience, although the lessee / purchaser have not enough cash at the moment, it is possible that they may look after the house carefully.
Rent at fair market rates
We charge at fair market rent, neither more nor less. Moreover, we are based on the collection of all communities’ references in deciding the rental. In order to seek for a more equitable rental, we should also enquire from the newspapers’ house rent section.
The initial purpose of the lease/purchase program is to build a win-win lease/purchase program. The following points summarize the basic operating principles.
Stick to fair market value.
For someone who is first involves in this rental / purchase business, we have to make a lot of decisions. The most difficult part is deciding the selling price of the housing. For the first-time buyers, you can stick to the current fair market value. And we have to insist on the principle from the beginning to the end.
Trading privileges fee must be reasonable.
Another important decision in doing the lease/purchase investment is the amount of the trading privileges fee. This fee is called trading privileges fee is because this trading privileges fee is legally given to the lessee/buyer privileges of buying the housing, at the same time, the landlord is legally prohibited to sell this housing to others in the contract period.
In deciding trading privileges fees, we tend to set to a lower point, therefore, we collect about 1% of the housing value as trading privileges fee. Through this method, if the lessee / purchaser did not exercise their purchasing privileges (or have no the ability to purchase), they would not have the risk of losing significant deposits/bank savings. For us, it also increases the range of potential customers, because we have never rejected any customers that do not have enough cash on hands. According to our experience, although the lessee / purchaser have not enough cash at the moment, it is possible that they may look after the house carefully.
Rent at fair market rates
We charge at fair market rent, neither more nor less. Moreover, we are based on the collection of all communities’ references in deciding the rental. In order to seek for a more equitable rental, we should also enquire from the newspapers’ house rent section.
Require for deposit
We usually require the lessee to pay one month deposit (equal to one month rental). However, if the lessee has poor bank trustworthiness or we can predict the risk clearly, according to the actual situation, we will require the lessee to pay 2 - 3 months deposits. The purpose of collecting the deposit is to urge the lessee on properly maintaining the housing, to avoid they 'leave without saying good-bye'. Our goal is to charge as little as possible deposit to attract more potential customers, however, the amount of deposit must be sufficient to urge the lessee on properly maintaining the housing.
Purchase privileges period approximately three years
Majority of the lessee / purchaser intended to buy the houses in the first year of renting, but the actual situation often causes the lessee's plan failed. Most of the lessees only purchase the housing after two to three years of signing lease / purchase agreement because they need time to re-establish their bank trustworthiness or to accumulate sufficient down payment.
Period of lease / purchase agreement is usually three to three and a half years. During this period, lessee / purchaser can have sufficient time to re-establish their credit/trustworthiness or to accumulate sufficient funds for down payment.
We believe that the contents presented here will benefit both parties in the rental / purchase program; and is fair to all parties involved. On this basis, you can also make some adjustments according to the differences of the housing. But do not forget that the most important thing is - must be fair to both parties of the transaction. This is not only right, but also can inspire our lessee / purchaser to protect housing, pay the rental on time, and finally purchase the housing.
We usually require the lessee to pay one month deposit (equal to one month rental). However, if the lessee has poor bank trustworthiness or we can predict the risk clearly, according to the actual situation, we will require the lessee to pay 2 - 3 months deposits. The purpose of collecting the deposit is to urge the lessee on properly maintaining the housing, to avoid they 'leave without saying good-bye'. Our goal is to charge as little as possible deposit to attract more potential customers, however, the amount of deposit must be sufficient to urge the lessee on properly maintaining the housing.
Purchase privileges period approximately three years
Majority of the lessee / purchaser intended to buy the houses in the first year of renting, but the actual situation often causes the lessee's plan failed. Most of the lessees only purchase the housing after two to three years of signing lease / purchase agreement because they need time to re-establish their bank trustworthiness or to accumulate sufficient down payment.
Period of lease / purchase agreement is usually three to three and a half years. During this period, lessee / purchaser can have sufficient time to re-establish their credit/trustworthiness or to accumulate sufficient funds for down payment.
We believe that the contents presented here will benefit both parties in the rental / purchase program; and is fair to all parties involved. On this basis, you can also make some adjustments according to the differences of the housing. But do not forget that the most important thing is - must be fair to both parties of the transaction. This is not only right, but also can inspire our lessee / purchaser to protect housing, pay the rental on time, and finally purchase the housing.